Sometimes chocolate is all you need. So…
As for this comic…
This comic gave me a lot of grief as I struggled with what to put in Daphne’s speech bubble in panel four. I had many possibilities. Some were a little too mean or a little too political or a little too random. This hit the Goldilocks zone for me. But alternate possibilities included … well, I leave that for you to guess.
So… this means no airplanes and no volcanoes?
Like a Dr. Evil lair? Or like Joe vs. the Volcano?
Oh noes, if that happens then Battelfield Earth will have to be relegated to a fictional movie.
“For the love of money is the root of all evil” is from the King James translation of the Bible. Avarice, or greed, was among the seven cardinal sins. It all runs together.
I am beginning to think Professor Gecko is using Puck to stimulate our cultual discourse and appreciation for the liberal arts… with a little bit of T&A and hilarity thrown in for good measure.
Sorry, I meant this to go in Pat’s reply about Avarice below.
This is an intellectual comic for refined, intelligent people. And I’ll hear no words to the contrary!
Nice voting incentive.
I tried.
What else would it be.
Heh heh heh heh heh heh.
Funniest in quite a while. I like the whole comic. This is just hilarious. 🙂
I am thrilled that you approve.
Why do people get that quote wrong? The quote is that AVARICE is the root of all evil.
Because 96% of the population no longer knows what the word ‘avarice’ means.
Does it have something to do with whole grain avarice? I don’t think that Uncle Ben’s or Rice-a-Roni has that.
I thought it was some sort of oriental bird food. 😛
The quote was intentionally changed by the wealthy elite over time.
That way, poor people will want to give all their “evil” money to the wealthy elite.
Add in a twisted Galatians 6:2 and they try to make us think that they are being downright charitable as they stick their hands in our pockets.
Ehhhhh…. Tom Cruise was busy with the Olympics and rumor has it that John Travolta may be quitting.
Besides, if they can’t laugh at themselves then they really should give up their tax exempt status. Just ask that growing up in scientology guy on YouTube.
They are not big on laughter.
Those who are least capable of taking a ribbing are the ones most deserving of being ribbed.
Money is a powerful reasonable source of being evil. Too bad he can’t lie and con his way to regain his finances…
Well, maybe someone can do that for him…
Alas, evil alone won’t take you very far if you just aren’t all that intelligent.
It’s a wonder he even managed to get to the position he was in the first place…perhaps all of his wealth was inherited, that’d make a lot of sense. Satan Sr. passed all his wealth down to Junior but didn’t pass down any brains to go with it.
I feel like some people just fall up.
One of my disappointments as an adult was seeing JUST HOW MANY people fail up…
Most. The higher up they are, the further they fell. Up.
I still hope that he is THE Satan and there is no Satan Sr. and Satan Jr. But current situation does make it hard to believe …
(Looks over at Tracee cuddling Miranda).
There’s no Satan Jr YET.
He is THE Satan. It’s just that THE Satan doesn’t live up to expectations. Never meet your heroes. Or your villains.
It was so different when it was just Hubbard running it…
Was it? Was it REALLY?
Well, you knew he was working a con. The guys running it now, not so sure…
I guess so. There was clear, reassuring dishonesty to the insanity back then.
I’m not saying Dianetics didn’t work. It’s just helping the patient / subject open up is relatively easy, and all the problems are in helping the subject / victim put it all back together.
So, time to take down the cabal . . . raccoons invade their homes, crows bomb them when they’re outside, Satan enforces all Hamilton city regulations on them . . .
Fun will be had.
Don’t forget the monkey-bears…
Last panel = ROFLMAO
I imagine getting booted ass-first from the Kingdom of Heaven uses up a lot of your impetus to do genuine evil.
Assuming this Satan shares a backstory with Bible-Satan, anyway.
I am assuming the same things.
For about 10 years, I gave it a serious go at being a financial advisor. I was not very successful in that career (turns out no matter how competent you might be at financial management, if you’re not socially outgoing enough to find new clients and convince them to hear you out… nothing past that initial step happens. 🙁 )
More the current point, I have met, spoken to, and learned from and about quite a lot of wealthy people, who understand how money works on levels deep, practical, and relevant. We also covered a fair bit of the way most people think about money (because a lot of that is their misconceptions which we have to overcome in order to teach them anything.) Most of whom you’ve never heard of and who don’t make the news often because rich people who are sane and do reasonable things with their wealth aren’t nearly as interesting a news story as some lunatic who buys Twitter, gives it a stupid single-character new name, and drives it into bankruptcy in a matter of weeks. THAT’s interesting!
Nice wealthy couple spends a billion or so to open an extremely high quality private school that is actually teaching kids effectively instead of the 7 hour babysitting service that public school boils down to? That’s dull. Back page news at best.
But back to things I learned…
First off, the actual quote from the bible states that it’s the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself. Money is just a morally neutral tool; it is “power” in the most literal sense: the capability to accomplish something.
A better observational saying (based on what actual wealthy people, good and bad, use their money for) would be:
“Money makes good people better, and bad people worse.”
Good people get wealthy, and use their wealth to help others and better the world that was so generous to them; they give back.
Selfish people get wealthy, and spend their wealth on shallow, essentially meaningless luxuries to pamper themselves and reinforce their feelings of their own importance.
Sadistic people get wealthy, and spend their wealth to hurt or destroy the lives of people they hate.
Fair enough. But was it that the J-man said about a rich man getting into heaven? Something about a camel and the eye of a needle?
Lessons from “a book” revised and rewritten more times than any other document in history should be taken with a grain of salt.
If I’m recalling that one correctly (and I might be thinking of another incident) that was a moral lesson about how poor people were supposed to donate their very last penny to the church instead of feeding their children with it, and the rich man who dropped an impressive fistful of coins into the tithe box didn’t need to stick around to listen to the not-spelled-with-a-J man’s advice, because quite frankly, he’s already doing fine.
It’s much more important to focus the lesson on what the poor people should be doing with their last two pennies, because there’s 500 of them for every rich man, and that’s a lot of pennies added up. The church has solid gold crosses to commission and giant cathedrals to build, and one rich dude’s fistful of coinage isn’t going to cut it.
While we’re on the subject, have you considered willing your remaining pennies to the church after you die? There’s Heaven in it for you if you do!
Take my pennies! TAKE THEM!
I have recently thought that Satan’s problem not not be a lack of money per se, but that he’s forgotten how to be evil without it. It’s just so damned useful.
Oooh Emily.
Also good comic. So many options could fit at the top of panel four 🙂
There were many temptations for panel four. Some might have upset a few people. So I went with a more universal option.