November is almost over, and just in time for a new voting incentive pic! New? NEW!!!!! VOTE FOR NEW!!!
As for this comic…
So far behind this week. Lost half the comic in the process. Just lost the actual pages. No idea where they went. Busy weekend too.
A miracle I got anything done.
What would the sandwich wrapper for a RED HERRING look like?
No clue. But it’d be tempting.
it would look fishy of course.
And isn’t this Hannah’s first appearance as a pin-up? I mean voting incentive?
I do believe so. So it’s just speculation as to whom the peppermint is for.
This ain’t a pinup. It’s a cute holiday pic. And yes. Sort of. She appeared once in a Charlie Brown-themed Christmas incentive.
And I reaaaly haaate peppermint extract. Brings to mind childhood medicinal treatments… burhurh!
You’re no fun.
You could incorporate a “remember when we first met the Cabal…” into this adventure and insert a three-week best-of past panels to cover a brief sabatical. Happy Gecko, happy readers!
Feels cheap. I could always do another stick comic interlude. Stickterlude 2.
I’d support that.
No Fun is what I do best!
Ah, that explains a lot. My youngest drinks them like soda, and he can’t understand why he can’t sleep… Granted I drank TOO much coffee, but DAMN, he buys it by the case! He’s 34 by the way and single.
I was tired of falling asleep all the time, so I tried energy drinks. They didn’t help at all. I went back to water.
I feel that the energy drinks are far worse than mere coffee. But that’s just me.
Coffee was how I found out about my bleeding ulcer… Long story. Anyway I have to agree, WAY more sugar and many have things added like ginseng and other herbs that I can’t recall. I know there’s one that was a common additive in the caffeine pills that were causing heart attacks in kids until it was banned.
Yeah, all the energy drinks are horrible for me. I’m sticking to coffee.
Coffee gave me IBS, and now it is more common for me to have diarrhea than not to.
Granted, I was drinking a LOT of it daily. I’m one of those with almost no caffeine sensitivity, so I’ve never experienced any of the clichéd “too much coffee” symptoms like hyperactivity, shaking hands, etc. I got to like it after I found a great hazelnut blend I could bulk-buy from Costco (or whatever it used to be called). I just enjoyed it as a warm, sweetened drink, and would drink a pot and a half a day.
Coffee is still kind of corrosive, even if it doesn’t give you the shakes. It erroded my intestinal walls a bit, thus the IBS. I drink tea now. Changing what I put in the cup was vastly easier than changing my drinking habits. Tea has 1/3 the caffeine, and is much gentler on the digestive tract.
Took about six weeks for my system to adjust to not being so constantly caffeinated. It was a sleepy time I can’t say I enjoyed.
I’m similar. Without the IBS. I drink a ton of coffee. Should probably stop. But it’s my one primary sin, and I have a hard time giving it up.
re: Incentive.
What’s with the saggy socks?
You have some prejudice against saggy socks? Jeez. Can’t catch a break.
I actually would have predicted ankle socks with the frilly lace at the top of them.
As a matter of fact, they would complement the saddle shoes too…
Everyone’s a sock expert. Jeez!
Thick old padded hiking socks in khaki with the rubber gone at the top.
Just like wearing an extra squishy boot inside your well-worn walking boots.
Toasty warm.
Now THAT is an elevated sock game.
Yeah, what’s worse than going crazy because you think they’re out to get you? Going crazy because they’re actually out to get you.
Ok, they’re not out to get anyone, they’re just keeping a close eye on Satan to make sure he doesn’t do anything, but still, having the veil pulled back to see how easily they could be out to get you after all you suggested was getting an old man back on his feet is enough to drive anyone crazy.
On to EG. Ok, so you’re losing pages and leaving pages at the office? I think it’s time to take a week off.
It’s time for me to take more than a week off, but I have no one else to make the comic.
Looks like someone needs to be fed and be given a good night sleep to be refreshed with new ideas in order to take down the cabal. I mean while Daphne may have a point on being watch doesn’t mean that she should neglect her health and have a fresh mental state.
You speak wisdom.
She’s gotta detox and get all that caffeine and sugar metabolized and out of her system first. The food will help – especially turkey for the tryptophan. Melatonin gummies wouldn’t be a bad idea either. I would suggest some -other- gummies, but she’s still considered underage in Canada for that type of stuff…
Then comes the inevitable crash and slumber for about 24 hours.
Poor Daphne, trying her hardest to fillet the fishiness.
It looks like her situation is more akin to a “Burger With the Lot”
I assume Hannah can tell they’re energy drinks by either the shape of the can or the smell. Unless they’ve started putting Braille on them.
Probably the smell. Those thing smell and taste terrible.
Both. The cans are distinct and the smell is … also distinct.
ALMOST as distinct (de-stinkt?) as WD-40.
At least one brand I know of has embossed tins. trying to read the gathic font in embossing would be a nightmare, but we’ve seen Hannah is a young woman of unusual perception.
Daphne has the right idea, I’m uncertain about the approach.
I share your uncertainty.
Yay, Hannah has made the voter incentive pages. And apparently knows instinctively how to make with the sexy bedroom eyes. Yep, nothing quite like a wholesome bad girl.
Those are just eyes. I don’t know what you’re talking about here.
The cartoonist dost protest too much, methinks.
Too many, Lass. Too many.
O.K., time to get Daphne to Wimpy’s. Once she’s fed, she can go back to being crazy. What soda to they sell at Wimpy’s? Coke? O.K., Coke-zero. She doesn’t need any more caffeen or sugar for a few . . . weeks.
She needs them to make a run to get more corkboard so the crazy wall can be expanded.
..and for someone to find where Yello’s “Oh Yeah” keeps coming from.
She didn’t use a cork board. I think she just pinned the papers to her cheap drywall.
That’s why she needs it.
Daphne needs to go out for a walk. I know that’s in her nature. She can’t stand staying inside for long.
Time for walkies, Gromit!
Bah on energy drinks! When I need a burst Jolt! is the way to go. THE beverage of the elite backer. As said by Razor and Blade of the television show Hack the Planet!
E-Oreos for any and all who get the reference.
Do they still make Jolt cola? I thought that got discontinued.
Aussies can still get it.
Hey, it’s from my home town!
You from Rochester? I love that town. Nice vibe. Beautiful downtown area. A real gem.
It was nice.
1st. Thank you for creating and sharing. I vote every time.
2nd. Spelling of “outfit” in the vote incentive.
3rd. Thank you for creating and sharing. I look forward to reading each week.
Enh, a new incentive is popping up in a few days. I think I’ll leave it as is for now. But thank you for alerting me. The speech bubbles were last minute.
I went back to check and indeed it says “Outift”.
Naturally, my brain unscrambled the word so I didn’t notice. There’s a name for that phenomenon, I suppose….
But Mirriam-Webster defines “tift” as from Middle English tiften, perhaps from tift, past participle of tiffen to tiff (deck out in the sense of put in order) … so “Outift is may be a correct but strange way to refer to a carefully selected garb.
I have found, making this comic, that I can read over a line fifty times and not catch a typo because my brain autocorrects it for me. It’s difficult to get past that for me.
People are like that. Nice brains trying to help, but you need another one to make sure it’s all going O.K.
It’s fortunate Daphne has real friends visiting her. She’s getting a bit off the beam, and they’ll help straighten her out.