Formal dress! Fancy shmansy! It’s fancy sass from new year’s past!
As for this comic…
Had to inject a bit more Puck into this Puck comic. So she’s joining the team as the muscle. It’s the role she was born to play. We still have an opening for one contortionist, one grizzled veteran and one knife guy. Get your application in today!
But it is such a good solution.
Simple, cheap. Effective.
Unless it’s a kamikaze drone. Watched an orc blow himself up doing this in Ukraine.
I laughed. So very hard.
The Louisville Slugger.
Recommended by nine out of ten knee-cappers
This particular brand is labelled the ‘Hammer Slammer’. Cuz Puck is in the Hammer.
Akin to the Hamer Slammer, which makes music as well as smashed patellas
Yes, but in fairness it’s a million to one chance it’ll work. And those work out 9 out of 10 times. So…
You know the odds. I’m impressed.
In the mathematics of the comic world, physics is flexible and the odds of anything working are always exactly 50-50, the artist either wants it to work or doesn’t 😉
Schrodinger’s Comic Physics…
Pratchett reference for the win.
Me win? INCONCEIVABLE! And yes, I do have buster keaton luck…let me just say it hurts. quite a bit and I don’t bounce like I did when I was 50 even.
It’s a damn good solution. The question is, for how long? And how many would they have, on the other hand, according to US Law, the stone is invading Puck’s personal property. According to Steve Letho, when discussing the corner crossing case, a person who owns property, owns everything to below and everything above. I would concede that the definition of property may be at the edge of space, but it was termed, ‘to the heavens.’
I suppose another question could be, if they were to split up, or at least look like Tracee and Satan had a big fight, then who would the done follow?
In the lawless land of Hamilton, no one will mind if a drone or two gets obliterated in the nastier end of town.
In the lawless land of Hamilton, there are no innocent drones.
In the US there is no exact rule but case law generally extends property right to about 500 feet about ground level.
Knife guy?!? You calling me out specifically?
Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.
Every good team needs a knife guy. They’re cooler than gun guys.
“Always run from a knife and rush a gun” -Jimmy Hoffa
He didn’t say what to do for a bat though, hence his absence 😉
Run, then rush. Most people lean too far into the follow-through.
Well, yeah, as the line goes: “The less noise knives make, the more likely we are to use them. I say: Guns are for show, knives for a pro”.
That’s from Lock, Stock, and Two Smokin’ Barrels.
Sometimes the simplest solutions tend to the best solutions.
Indeed. And the most violent.
Maybe it’s just me, but I think Hannah would be awesome as the contortionist.
Not sure if that’s in her skill set. Maybe.
Don’t knock it until she tries it.
Gotta see the woman in action!
I used to be the Knife Guy, and still have my collection.
Since the onset of ALS and the disabling of my main arm, I can still be half a knife guy, just in my (I was left handed as an infant, and my grandma couldn’t allow that to happen, so became an imperfect right-hander) left, and not main use hand guy.
I guess that makes me the grizzled veteran.
Those of us with disabilities like to feel useful. Sign me RIGHT up, especially I get even 1% of that gold to hold me over til the next heist.
We obviously have our knife guy. The knife guy is you. No one will expect it.
Can I bring my sword to the knife fight ? 🙂
What TYPE of sword? That matters.
With this kind of affirmation, I want to appear on the next series of Leverage (Redemption).
The same goes for the next series of comments.
I very VERY rarely play the “disabled” card as I’d much rather be more independent and figure out that which needs figuring for my own self sustainability, but if it’s for a group about which I care, I will ABSOLUTELY take the fall, and definitely play up the “But how could I have done that with my obvious disability, but also, it was ALL me. Now please imprison me and attend to my very specific and complicated, and expensive medical needs.”
You are the hero we need.
Oh, and slingshots?Mainly the wrist rocket variety? With my brace, and an adequate supply of pennies, ESPECIALLY with small holes drilled in them for the “whizzzzz” sound, I am still QUITE accurate, despite disabilty, and those things lodge themselves in trees, stucco, fiberglass, modern car doors… I suspect it might greatly inconvenience drones.
Double sign me up, but you’ve got to supply me with the pennies (ideally pre-drilled)!
Oh also, as I am disabled, you KNOW I will be willing to take the fall for the rest of the crew.
“What are you going to do imprison me for the rest of my VERY short life and become financially responsible for my medical
care? Cool, it’s cheaper than my current options (’cause I live in a country that does not care for people like me).
Oh nice! I was also a wielder of the wrist rocket. My ammunition was taconite pellets. Acorns if I was feeling cheap.
26,000 tons of taconite ?
Now I’ve got that somg stuck in my head, again.
Thank you, I like it.
You are the grizzled veteran, it seems. A pro at creating property damage.
The thing with pennies is that they are evidence.
Have you considered mixing iron dust or filings with water and freezing it into pellets? Copilot says to create a penny-sized disk with the weight of a penny, you would need approximately 0.62 parts of iron dust to 1 part of water by volume.
The advantage would be that after impact the ice melts and the iron blows away, leaving mystery.
Use only for good!
Somehow, I just don’t think the drone will come in right over the plate.
You’d be surprised.
A crazed redhead in a crack neighbourhood attuning a drone because they think the government is spying on them?
That’s… not actually that suspicious.
Next to large birds of prey, Crazy people are a drone’s natural enemies.
Or just people who see the drone as an invasion of privacy. Which it totally is. So they defend their rights without causing collateral damage.
More on birds of prey shortly.
The Klingon versions, or the versions that Phoebe will bring back with her from Gage Park?
Depending on what is currently happening with Phoebe, I would say that the odds are good that there may not be much difference.
“Why Not Both?”
Given the neighborhood, I don’t think its the first drone to be hanging out. And judging by the smile of anticipation on Puck’s face, this is not her first neighborhood drone batting practice.
She is a pro.
Those drones were probably from local boys/young men trying to see how far he spots go when she is sunbathing.
I’m a grizzled veteran. Just not of anything useful in this scenario. Except holding beer and watching the fun! I can do that all day!
We need someone to hold the beer. You’re hired!
The drone programmer may have just kept height at least 20 feet up above road in front of her house. I do not remember, have we seen her house for I assume she and her family are too active for an apartment or condo. Back to hitting drone bring a baseball too.
Oh–and I just noticed that user avatars are working on the site again. They didn’t show for a long time; not sure how long it’s been fixed. (Chrome on Win11).
I don’t know either. It seems to be different for everyone.
Puck needs to be blindfolded and spun around a few times before she plays Drone Pinata…
Is it bad faith to blindfold someone with a blind girl in the room? Feels in bad taste.
Hannah can be blindfolded spun around too when it’s her turn.
It’s part of the game, and we wouldn’t want to exclude her nor treat her in any different way than everybody else.
The thing is, she’s still deadly accurate with it.
Of course knocking out that drone could well get the enemy wondering just what they are trying to hide; hence more surveillance.
Indeed. That sounds VERY likely.
Come to think of it, why assume it’s Satan they’re tracking? There’s a lot of sinister activity associated with these people. (I mean, if the people in the crackhouse next door are complaining…)
I think it’s Satan they are tracking. Daphne has been keeping tabs.
This comic needs a good umpire.
She really is in a league of her own. lol
The Toronto Blue Jays approve Robin’s plan.
Hey, we already know she has a great swing . . . plus, Satan never got to see it, he’s owed!
Indeed. He never saw it coming.
In that case, why didn’t she pick up the rolling pin again?
Can’t overdo the rolling pin. Gotta mix it up.
When it comes to violence, trust in Puck.
A true prophet of the pugnacious.
I like the expressions in the last pannel. Puck happy, Satan and Tracee surprised and Daphne over it. 🙂
When you live in the house with her, it does get a little old.
I buy that.
Reflecting on that, Tracee would do well to reflect on this moment if she manages to mess up and irk Puck regarding the parallel Colin/Puck wedding planning story
She’s seen Puck in action. She was in the car that day Puck beat Satan to within an inch of his life. She knows the danger.
That was one datapoint. It could be a fluke. She seems so nice otherwise. Tracee should test it just to be sure. >:)
Guys help I think I’m sexually attracted to Satan I can’t help it I have a thing for pathetic men.
You and Tracee, obviously.
Puck is stepping up to the plate for her team! 😉