Some Valentine’s Day stupidity on TWC. Check it out if you want!
As for this comic…
You know what? I am finding out that drawing comics where things actually happen is exhausting. Man, why can’t I go back to just drawing a bunch of characters standing around in a room and talking? That’s my comfort zone! I keep needing to draw action scenes and new background angles and it SUCKS. Okay, it’s kind of fun sometimes. But it’s a lot of work.
I think that the punch line is a show of force. But it will also be trio’s downfall.
Violence is fun.
I mean, the bat is gonna come back down, and is re-usable.
Unless Puck through it so hard it breaks Earth’s gravitational pull.
It’s WOOD. If you accelerate is THAT much, it will burn.
Well, if you wanna get all technical…
Direct hit for the first drone, but it looks like they are going to need a lot more bats or anything pointy to destroy this army of drones…
Where are a bunch of pointy things when you need em?
Puck’s wit is rather sharp
Thank you for your hard work, because Action Puck is Great Puck.
Action Puck is … one variety of Puck. But we haven’t had that variety in a while so I’m happy for its return.
Someone needs to hack those drones. Or confuse them. Three kobolds in a trench coat to run interference?
I dunno if Tracee is ready to trust anyone else to loot her cache.
If I just introduced kobolds, it’d be a wild addition.
“I dunno if Tracee is ready to trust anyone else to loot her cache.”
Satan’s been doing that for years… lol
(I;ll see myself out)
For shame!
the bat is actually Mjolnir, right?
it will come back to Puck
Made of magic hickory from the fires of the dwarves.
Time to break out the laser pointers and bring these suckers down.
Take that, Amazon.
Elegant, effective. Not like Puck.
I forget the gun laws and insanity levels in Canada.
If this were the US, you’d just need to scream “the government is attacking us with robots!” And every redneck in 5 miles will be shooting them up.
That could happen in Canada too, honestly. But only in rural areas.
Or immigrant…sorry, ‘prospective residents’ neighbourhoods
The gov’t would arm them since it’s their ‘culture’.
…or maybe you just alerted them that you´re up to something so now they´re paying super close attention.
seriously, confusing one drone would´ve been easy by comparison – just divide. it can hardly keep track of daph, satan and tracee at the same time. now though? they´re fudged
This oughta overflow their recycle bin.
You can see that recycle bin pretty well in panel two. It’s conveniently empty. Though around here, you have to take the broken electronics stuff to the transfer station and put it in a special electronics recycling dumpster.
It’s always a struggle to figure out just what they want you to recycle, and how they want it separated. Personally, I’d just dump it all in one bin, and, if they want it recycled that bad, let them sort it out at the dump themselves.
It’s different in every city. In Ottawa, we recycle paper/cardboard one week, and cans/bottles/plastic the other.
Then we have green bins, and regular garbage.
Garbage is limited to three bags/containers, but the containers can be the size of Rubbermaid “The Brute” garbage cans.
Down here in Florida, they started with blue bins just like that one, but years ago switched to a full-sized can. Once a week pickup, and last week they didn’t pick up my recyclables.
I still have the blue bin they gave me. Right now it’s filled with old sheets and drop cloths from a painting job.
(Also horticulture is completely separate. When I’ve got it, it gets put out in my old regular cans or, if it’s a big branch or frond, it just lies there.)
I have an unused blue bin in my storage room also filled with drop cloths. That seems to be a universal.
And pay the ‘recycling fee’ when you buy anything electrical…the garbage gets picked up all at once here, every two weeks, that should be fun in August.
The part that hurts the most is that if you don’t sort everything out precisely then they won’t take the bag, but they dump it all into the same container and pay to ship to china for ‘processing’ aka burning/burying/tossing in the ocean.
You’re allowed an opaque bag in each one for ‘personal items’…guess how much you can fit in one of those…spray paint cans, small dead appliances and old batteries fit nicely 🙂 Just make sure you shred every piece of paper that has a name on it.
Yep, when it comes to violence, trust in Puck.
She is good at property damage.
I can understand drawing action sequences could be intense, but I’m assuming creating chocolate coated Tracee is great therapy.
Also stressful. All the drawings are stressful.
One should make an effort when ot comes to confections. And chocolate covered cherries are a particular favorite of mine.
Er– slingshots?
Sticks. Lots and lots of sticks!
I thought that everyone had forgotten Hannah down in the basement, but then got to looking really close…
That must have been a lot of adjusting of the shading to have her almost invisible.
I drew her, colored her, planned her position in the shot and everything. Then when I placed the smashing over top the scene, she was basically fully hidden. But you can kinda still see her standing on the porch.
I think the only appropriate comment in the last panel is “Shazbot” (IKYKY).
Maybe one of them should knoc on the door of their next-door neighbours and inform them that a drone swarm can easily record/transmit their activities…
Get the local criminals to deal with it. Good call.
This is what we call ‘a target rich environment’. Good for AoE weapons and poor aim. You’re still bound to hit SOMETHING.
Use the enemy’s numbers against them.
what made them think there would only be one?
Stupidity? Lack of forethought?
“There can be only one!”
Then-available evidence.
Time to break out the golf clubs…
You have chosen … 3 wood!
You chose wrong. She needs a club that will give immediate loft, so I’m thinking a sand wedge for this.
Golf balls for the ammo…
Well, I was making a Simpsons ref. But your input sounds informed.
I mean, any club can give immediate lift if you hit poorly enough.
Puck is showing a previously unknown skill. At least I didn’t notice it. 😉
The skill to Hulk Smash? She always had that.
Come to think of it, wasn’t it nighttime when they went down to the basement? How long were they all down there?
Nah, it was daytime. The basement is just dingy and dark.
They’re going to need a bigger bat. And a lot more of them.
They’re spending a lot of money on this. I think they’re just keeping him harassed. Not that they should test the theory. They could use the machine from Unearth. Do you think Philo would them borrow it?
The Cabal has bottomless coffers. I think.
I would rather have bottomless coffees.
As long as it’s GOOD coffee…
I don’t even care if it’s good.
That sounds like a contradiction in terms.
Statistically unlikely. But it might be effectively bottomless. But that’s why they shouldn’t test it.
Bring it on! There’s no chance of missing a swarm that size.
And, for the sake of things, fire up The Grand Tour theme.
Time for drone carnage!
Maybe there can be each of ladies dunked in chocolate for Easter.
I’ve found a paintgun can work wonders on those camera drones.
Gotta have some good aim.
Doc! Roger! JINX!
Still thinking shotgun, but now semiauto with drum magazine. 🙂
VERY illegal up here. But sounds like a lot of fun.
Is it time to complain to the mayor’s office? Oh, wait a minute… 😉
Curse this bureaucratic inefficiency!
The drone was a Hydra….. cut off one head and two more appear.
Very much like.