Mighty Marvel Marching Society get ready! It’s Marvel cosplay month! Vote for Puck on TWC to see a new Puck character try to do Marvel justice every week!
As for this comic…
Hair can make a big difference. It says a lot about a person. And straight hair versus curly or wavy hair, well, it just seems to be this iconic clash. Neither option is inherently better, but I do feel that it says a lot about a personality, or a person’s self-concept. Or a person’s changing self-concept.
For those who are interested, there’s an alternate version of this comic up on my Patreon feed right now featuring a totally different joke. (The alternate rendition is actually a funnier gag than this one, IMHO, but this one works better within the story arc, so there you are.)
Let’s be real. Freckles are everything. She needs them to function. I mean, just look at her. Look at that poor, tortured soul. My heart goes on for all souls that have lost their freckles. Peace. :’c
Or all the freckles that have lost their souls. Either or.
I find it ominous that Puck’s new look makes her look like that Airhead Blonde that Satan is currently involved with
Uh oh. Did someone mention airhead blonde? You might be summoning forth the demon.
Oh! I just noticed, I love Daphne’s shirt!
Thanks. It was a spur of the moment thing that started with a straight Vanilla Ice joke and then got a little Earthbound thrown in there for good measure.
*GASP* Will Puck be dying/bleaching her hair?!
Shhh! Don’t be spoiling the surprise!
One does not bleach/dye a perfect natural red.
We’ll have none of that type of heresy around here now
Did someone say “Heresy”?
That would be Tracee … Purrrrrr…..
Love Puck’s new do – but Phoebe has devolved !!
It’s morning. Go easy.
I bet Sour Sweet and Applejack would do the same if they ever lost
their freckles.
Gosh Daphne, pot meet kettle.
Well, Daphne has a conscience. She just regularly chooses to ignore it.
I like this explanation!
Ah! it’s like those warning signs that show you what all the fun stuff to do is?
Wait, really? 0_0 I thought she was too vapid to realize when she did things wrong, unless people shouted at her about it.
No, Daphne is that special someone you meet that knows what she does is wrong, but meh, she’s having fun and that’s what’s important. She has a great career as a Lawyer, Politician, or Used Car Salesman ahead of her.
I am totally this person. I have done awful, awful things, knowing full well that they’re awful, but persisted in doing them because they were just too much fun. (Not physical harm, but more emotional torment kind of stuff.) My wife is the one who now serves as my conscience and will readily tell me when I need to stop.
So we need to wait for Phoebe to get married before she’ll improve as a person…?
Phoebe cannot improve – except those of you (named Susan) who believe she could improve sartorially. Daphne, though, perhaps…
(Curse these overly similar names!)
She’s going to be like this FOREVER…? That is so sad. 🙁
Hmmm, yes, Puck does seem to be channeling some of Tracees look…
Everyone’s saying Tracee, though I think the look’s a little closer to Colin’s sister, really. Either way, it’s a path of darkness.
But, Buggle, he’s not IN this arc!
I’m afraid Colin’s Sister is one of those evils that Mankind inflict upon themselves….
How do we know he’s not? Just because he hasn’t shown up yet, doesn’t mean he can’t be in a one-off joke.
He’s not in this week’s strip.
I was talking about Colin’s sister
Not quite haughty enough for Colin’s sister, IMHO.
i´ve got to agree, puck is looking like a tracee clone….though i´m not overly worried. if there´s one thing young mothers don´t have, its time to style themselves. from what i gathered among my friends, you can be happy+ grateful if you have the time to wash your hair regularly – seriously, dry-shampoo is moms best friend. along with towel turbans cause you´ll NEVER manage to blow dry.
btw, i´m throwing a new idea for phoebe´s future look into the ring: RAINBOW HAIR!! whether you just go for a few coloured highlights, dip-dye or the full monty is up to you, but i think it would totally suit her cheery personality.
Well, young mothers usually don’t have the time to style themselves, but Puck has an unusually full house of people that she can guilt into looking after the baby for a while. My wife, as an example, blow drys her hair straight, and has done so for the past fifteen years. But she also has a relatively understanding husband who’s always looked after the kids while she gets ready.
Rainbow hair for Phoebe, huh? It seems a little crazy. Just changing the style of her hair slightly had many people up in arms recently, though, so I don’t think I’m going to embrace the rainbow quite yet. Besides, I’m fully of the opinion that if you’re over the age of 19, you really shouldn’t have crazy colors in your hair.
Those rules about age only apply to HUMANS. She’s several hundred (if not thousands) years old Fae. Also, she’s more than ten TIMES older than her husband – Mayfly-December Romance.
Mayfly December romance. Heh. I like that.
Totally agree. It says “airhead” to all the world
I’ve always found it says “I’m desperately trying to cling to my fading youth like it’s a life raft of some sort. Oh, and I’m also an airhead.”
Now, some might argue that those rules don’t apply to a demon girl who doesn’t seem to thus far showcase any clear signs of aging, but I’m still going to apply them.
And now you’re just like Daphne – ain’t it great? lol
They can be the monster family!
But they can never be the Munsters. 😉
Colin and Herman sometimes work on the same frequency I’ve found.
YES! There is a resonance there!
This will end in tragedy and/or tears. Am I a bad person for looking forward to that?
Maybe? But if so, we’re ALL bad people here. Choo choo! Everyone aboard the bad people train!
People all o’er the world, Join hands,
Ride the BAD train, BAD train…
I have to agree with the others that she looks like a Tracee clone.
But on the other hand, I also think she fits with it (because I’m the type of person who likes various outfits/hairstyles/similar).
…I’m curious what will happen once she gets her freckles (and probably her hair hairstyle) back.
Doubtless, she will regret her whole adventure, and possibly learn nothing.
Hey, if you want real character growth, this isn’t the place!
So, now that her conscience is gone, how long before she remembers all the evil things these guys have done to her and goes all twentieth century on them?
Goes all 20th century? As a child of the 20th century, I resent that remark!
How do you feel about the nineteenth century?
Less attached.
Well, looking it up, she’s six hundred twenty one years old plus however much time has passed (one way or another) since Puck #1. How ’bout the fourteenth century?
The old character info chart put her at 631. But honestly, given the fact that Puck has been a prominent figure in folklore for much longer, that age makes no sense. It’s almost like it was randomly made up. Huh.
Puck could genuinely go Medieval on them; surely her family goes back even further than that, and I’m sure her Mum and two Dads taught her a few things.
Wut… Mom and two Dads? What lore is this from?
A bit of shameless self-reference. ^_^
A while back, folks asked about Puck’s parents, and ElectricGecko said he’d never show them. I suggested they might be tough elder Fey living in the pristine wilderness of the Realm of Faerie. That notion seemed to go over well.
Later, ElectricGecko made a comment that Puck’s Mom might be a hippie-like creature very unlike Puck, “playing with the ferns and the morning dew”. I turned that into an admittedly crass joke about Puck’s Mom having been in a threesome with two Fey dudes called Fern and Morning Dew and thus being unsure who Puck’s biological father is… ^_^;
I remember none of this, and recognize none of it as canon. But seeing as there isn’t actually a canonical story of Puck’s origin, I guess it’s the closest thing we’ve got right now?
Hmph. And why won’t you ever be showing her parents, huh Gecko? Comedic hijinks could ensue! How can you deny the hijinks?
We are never, EVER, seeing Puck’s parents. Ever. So the best we’re ever going to get is kooky fan theories.
What? Scared of potential backlash?
Must … have … freckles … back …
Freckle Withdrawal … starting to affect me …
Might I suggest a new product on the market: freckadone. It helps with the withdrawal, but has none of the addictive qualities present in actual freckles.
Freckles: a gateway drug.
*Shows egg* This is your brain.
*House explodes* This is your brain on freckles. Any questions?
Is it my imagination, or has Daffy converted some of her ill-gotten gains into a “Body by Victoria” bra? Hmm?
I was going to say “a “Body By Victoria” tank, but I checked and they don’t make them with “Who’s Your Ma?” silkscreened on them.
No, it’s a tank. She’s worn them before, usually in the morning. It’s her equivalent of pyjamas.
No Body By Victoria? Girl’s getting some healthy growth then
Well, no more than usual. Any perceived growth or shift in size probably has more to do with my failure to keep consistent on the character model. It’s a problem I have.
Well, Daphne IS a growing girl – or hyena – or jackal – or …..
Nah, I just have problems drawing boobs.
“Nah, I just have problems drawing boobs.” Despite all the practice he gets!
They’re hard to draw, okay? They are (honestly) about the most difficult part of the human anatomy to draw properly, in part because they lack a firm internal structure, are prone to changing shape depending on the position of the body, and alter tremendously depending on the, um … housing. As often shown by (bad) comic artists, there’s a strong temptation to simplify the organ into an almost geometric sphere. I try to fight that temptation. But I do have problems with maintaining consistent size. (It’s not just limited to that part of the body, of course. I have problems with head size too. I just … I have problems.)
You wound me. I have such a hard time with drawing hands and feet and you say breasts are difficult? 0_0
Well, hands and feet are awful too. The worst part of the human body to draw is … whatever part you’re drawing currently, I find.
0_0 !
amateur. this is how it’s done
( Y )
Oh dear – the freckles kept her (somewhat) in line before; what will she do now that she has no conscience left?! I forsee terrible, terrible things… Like getting a job at Howlers!
Well, not THAT terrible. I think she’ll aim bigger.
It doesn’t look bad at all….
… but unfortunately it reminds me of Tracee. 0_0;
Everyone’s saying that. And that’s strangely appropriate…
Puck is NO Tracee.
tracee, tracee, tracee……
I know she isn’t. That’s what makes the similarity in appearance so… jarring. ^_^;
You have to be careful to not say a thing three times. She might appear, use you, and then waft her way back to her TRUE MASTER! Blondes tend to betramps with bad memories.
Tracee, Tracee, Tracee, Tracee, Tracee, Tracee
USE ME, Darlin’
Oopsie. Slight foul up. It isn’t Tracee, it’s my bf’s ex-wife. Oh, well, blondes.
I’m rather fond of your new verb: BETRAMPS
Just trying to define it brings a smile to my snout.
As is: “Tracee betramps Satan ‘ awl nite lawng….’ “
Oooo I don’t know…New Puck seems like a cheap copy of Phoebe aesthetically. Could it be implied she was always envious of Phoebe’s expression for fashion underneath the surface maybe?
Kinda reminds me of that old Three’s Company ep where Janet got intoxicated, from all the attention received, for the blonde wig she bought.
This cannot end well but it’s sure going to be fun finding out along the way if that’s where you’re headed with this. 😉
I never really watched Three’s Company. It was just a little before my time. But I’m pretty sure that many, many, many jokes and gags from my comic inadvertently mirror elements of that show. (Thankfully, most of my readership wasn’t even alive for Seinfeld, let alone Three’s Company, so I think I’m safe.)
Who was Seinfeld? Was he on “Friends”? That dinosaur-loving guy that Jennifer Aniston fell for, despite no real-world possibility?
I think he fought crime in a crazy helicopter. No, wait! That was Air Wolf.
I vote for everyone ganging up on Puck, Tying her down with and attacking her with curling Irons…
Now Daphne is due for a makeover.
I wonder how she would respond to a poodle cut!
I wonder how she wold look in an orange jumpsuit?
Something like this?
I was thinking more of this: https://farm6.static.flickr.com/5235/5805585328_291a8f83ca.jpg
I was trying to combine the poodle thing and the jail thing, and Yokai Watch is the only place that’s been done before, to my knowledge.
I thot I was only ManjiMutt FAN !
Not to spoil things, but there’s been a Daphne makeover story arc waiting in the wings for a long while. I actually was originally planning to do that story arc around now, but we’d just come off the last story arc which has an awful lot of Daphne-centered stuff, and I felt going to another Daphne-centered comic felt a little unbalanced. So now it won’t happen for a while. But it WILL happen.
What’s Daphne going to DO ?
A Flea Dip ?
She’ll neva b sexy……….
I don’t get the Tracee thing. She looks nothing like her. 8/
Neither do I. I think people are saying that because I’m applying the same hair shading technique as I use on Tracee’s hair.
I also think she looks like Tracee because she’s always smiling, just like Tracee… Colin’s Sister never smiled. She smirked a couple of times, but never smiled.
Hmm. Good point.
First it was Phoebe and then Puck. I’d love to see Daphne getting a makeover as well pretty soon.
See another comment of mine somewhere on this page. It will happen.
If living with my wife for the last 12 years has taught me anything, it’s that Puck is starting down a dark, dark road with this hair straightener business. Soon she won’t be able to live without the straightener. Then some day, she and Colin will go on vacation, and the straightener will inevitably be forgotten. And then… (shudder) oh the anger… the violence… the senseless, senseless bloodshed…
You and me both, brother! (And for those of you who don’t know, he’s actually my brother, so it’s not just a fun phrase.)
WHAT?! You’re a real person, with family? Imagine!
Mine says “Too cheap to pay a barber”.
Wow. That’s cheap!
It’s the Boston Area. :/
I can understand why Sam Malonw was jellous of his hair guy That and the wig.