New Weekly Voting Incentive: PUCK AND THE GANG GO TO RIVERDALE!!! For a long time, people have noted that Puck plays out a little like a demented version of Archie, so I thought, “Why not?” This month, a vote for […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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New Weekly Voting Incentive: PUCK AND THE GANG GO TO RIVERDALE!!! For a long time, people have noted that Puck plays out a little like a demented version of Archie, so I thought, “Why not?” This month, a vote for […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New Weekly Voting Incentive: PHOEBE GOES TO RIVERDALE!!! For a long time, people have noted that Puck plays out a little like a demented version of Archie, so I thought, “Why not?” This month, a vote for Puck on TWC […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NEW VOTING INCENTIVE: PUCKFORCE COVER!!!!!! A new Puck voting incentive is up on TWC! Vote for Puck to see an authentic-type cover for PUCKFORCE, complete with lots of 90’s flair! It’s like a time machine … for your MIND!!!! CLICK […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NEW JULY VOTING INCENTIVE: PUCK GOES EXTREME!!!!!! Have you ever wanted to see Puck reinterpreted as an Image comic circa 1993? Of course you didn’t! And that’s why I’m here to make your non-dream a reality! Starting July 1st, a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is about as close to negativity as Phoebe ever gets right here. Her anger scale ends where Puck’s begins: at the simmering stage. No fear: our girl Puck will actually make an appearance in her eponymous comic next week. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NEW VOTING INCENTIVE! PAPER DOLL PUCK – THE HOWLERS EDITION!!! This week, a vote for Puck on TWC gets you access to printable Paper Doll Puck – Howlers edition! Make Puck dress up as the ungodly Howlie, or the even […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NEW WEEKLY VOTING INCENTIVE! PAPER DOLL PUCK!!! Starting April 1st, a vote for Puck on TWC gets you access to printable Paper Doll Puck! It was all the rage in Victorian England, and that’s what I call a recommendation! A […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NEW WEEKLY VOTING INCENTIVE! MARCH OF VILLAINY!!! A different Puck character cosplays as a famous cartoon villain … every single week in March! Now I know some of you have given me flack for going all 80’s retro on you […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Why do I feel like Satan really needs a telescope in the first panel? The FINAL February Voting Incentive is up! Git yer ANTI-VALENTINES! This particular voting incentive is no longer up on TWC, but you can GET IT AT […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m not sure this joke really works. I’m not sure that this strip is really anything other than an excuse to put Tracee in a ‘sexy nurse’ costume. (Hey, at least I’m honest.) The SECOND February Voting Incentive is up! […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…